#1 Water Leak Detection Services in Los Angeles
If you are looking to have your leaking windows, leaking walls, leaking deck, or roof inspected you are in the right place. As water intrusion specialists, it’s our job to understand how the Southern California rain can wreak havoc on your Los Angeles home or business and cause water leaks from these various areas.
Let’s be honest… nobody wants to deal with a leaking window especially if you have no idea where the water leaks are coming from. That’s why you need water intrusion specialists like the Building Leak Detection Company locally owned and operated here in Los Angeles by Marc Mazza, the forensic water intrusion investigator.

What does a water intrusion specialist do?
The main goal of an experienced water intrusion specialist is to assess your current water leak conditions for either residential or commercial buildings, provide water leak testing to identify the source of the leak and generate a professionally written report on the findings.
Most water intrusion specialists will not, however, perform any repairs and many won’t even refer contractors. For many, this can be troublesome because it’s the experts like water intrusion specialists who are believed to know and associate with many of the top construction professionals who perform this type of work.

Which is the most common cause of water intrusion?
The most common of all causes of water intrusion is faulty construction. Aside from that, there are literally hundreds of potential causes of how water enters into a building but faulty construction is at the top of the list. However still, here are some of the most common sources of water intrusion from our professional opinion as water intrusion experts. So here are 4 locations we feel are the most commonly to blame for water leaks in your home;
- Windows that leak when it rains
- Exterior walls that leak with rainfall
- Decks or balconies that leak during heavy rainfall
- Roofs leak when it rains in Southern California

Windows Rain Leaks
No matter how new or how old your windows may be… they can be subject to leaking when it rains. We water test many windows which are brand newly installed that leak terribly. On the other hand, we also test windows that are 40 years old that do not leak at all. Many times, It’s not always the window itself that will leak despite what many believe to be true.
What I mean is, that there are two conditions that can create rain leaks in windows… One is the window itself, and the other is the installation of the window. Let me explain. If you call and say that your window leaks when it rains here in Los Angeles, the first thing we as water intrusion specialists will want to do is rule out or confirm if the window is flawed and leaking, or if the installation of the window into the wall is the cause of the leaking.
We do this by a series of water intrusion tests with special equipment following specific water intrusion testing methods like the ASTM E1105. On the other hand, we can opt to test the window using the 511-08 or ASTM 2128 testing standards. In any case, the tests are mostly of a forensic nature, and all with the same objective… find the source of the water intrusion.

Exterior Wall Water Leaks
Just about every home in Los Angeles has at least four walls, most have more, but I digress…The exterior walls of your home or office can be made from countless types of building products. Here are four, just to name a few;
- Stucco walls
- Siding clad walls
- Masonry walls
- Log or real wood walls
Here in Los Angeles, stucco-clad walls are by far the most popular exterior wall covering applied to single-family homes. It just so happens that stucco walls are also the most common to experience rain leaks.
People by and large believe that stucco cladd walls are a solid material impervious to water intrusion from rain. Ladies and gentlemen, this has never been further from the truth.
Stucco Walls Leak with every rain
Allow me to explain. Stucco is a cladding like other claddings. When it rains and you experience water leaks in your stucco walls, it’s not as simple as water hitting your stucco and then entering directly into your home. First, you have to understand how a wall is built in modern construction.
In short, a home is framed usually from wood… then the building is wrapped with a tar-like paper, then the stucco is applied over the tar-like paper waterproofing. When stucco walls leak in the rain, it’s mostly because there is damage to the tar paper, the tar paper has deteriorated, and no longer offers any waterproofing capabilities.
How do you fix water intrusion?
You fix water intrusion by using a water intrusion expert to isolate the water intrusion, remove the faulty building products, and replace the faulty building products with newer more durable products. With testing, a good water intrusion specialist will be able to locate the source of the water leak easily, isolate the water leak, and make the necessary recommendations for repairs. They may also help the homeowner to locate reputable contractors who can provide the necessary services to repair the issues discovered.

Decks or balconies that leak during heavy rainfall
As water intrusion specialists here in Los Angeles we find leaking decks and balconies all the time. I’d say that almost half our service calls for water intrusion testing are to rain leak test decks and balconies. you might say to yourself…” that is weird.. why do these systems leak more than others?”
Well, my answer to that is that decks are built much like the rest of the building but the coating that covers the areas that are walked on has a limited life span. I’m talking about the waterproofing. This is the material that is applied directly to the deck’s framing before the top coat or top finish is applied.
Once the waterproofing has deteriorated or otherwise failed… water will then be allowed to penetrate directly into the residence. This will happen no matter what top finish you have installed, like tile, wood, or other surfaces like rubberized coatings etc…