ASTM D5957 Standard Test Method for Watertightness of waterproofing installations in Los Angeles
You may wonder what horizontal surface would need this type of test. Certain areas, for example, parking garages and plaza deck or elevated areas need a specific test such as the ASTM D5957. Testing horizontal waterproofing installation is done by professional water intrusion specialists like Building Leak Detection Company. This test should not be used to water test building roofing systems or swimming pools.

Flood Testing Horizontal Waterproofing
The ASTM D5957 standard test methods determine the watertight seal of the waterproofing installations applied. First of all, the area to be tested should be checked over by a licensed structural engineer prior to the test procedures start. The engineer will be checking to verify the capacity of the area to be tested.
The area should be tested on waterproofing materials fully cured for 24 hours before applying the water. This standardized test will actually test the waterproofing installations on the surface by using specialized equipment. A special hydrostatic head and drain plugs are used for testing horizontal waterproofing installations.

Tools Used for Deck Leak Testing
- Hydrostatic head
- Pneumatic devices with rubber ball and chain
- Wood members
- Polyethylene sheet
- Sand bags
- Duct tape
The containment assembly should be made out of something that is non destructive and does not penetrate the waterproofing system being tested. The assembly should be easily removable too. The polyethylene sheeting is used to form a barrier for testing horizontal waterproofing installations.
Once that the barrier is finished, the next step is to fill the area with potable water. This is called flood testing and should be done for a period of 24 to 72 hours. If a leak is observed the barrier area should be emptied right away.

Reporting Findings for the ASTM D5957 Standard Test Method
Observations need to be written down as documentation that the waterproofing installations applied to the surface have been tested. The area is monitored constantly and written notes are provided before the test and every four hour until the test is complete.
A full report about the flood test for the waterproofing system is provided by Building Leak Detection Company. The report writher will include details of the materials tested, about when and how the test was given and materials used. If leaks happen, then they will be noted and recommendations for repair given. Of course these areas will need to be tested after the repairs.